2013年10月22日 星期二

Suming和葛洛力將在10/26(六)來青年會所囉! Suming and Glory live performance on 26th, Oct.

Dear Musik小屋唱遊第二卷要來到青年會所囉,10月26日(六)下午三點Suming 舒米恩和葛洛力將在一樓戶外小陽台跟大家見面!

由於Suming 舒米恩和葛洛力的魅力驚人,短短幾天活動已經額滿囉,真的很想要參加的朋友們還是歡迎透過臉書訊息報名,如果有人臨時退出,我們將依序候補~


Dear Music's special tour is coming to Attic the Traveler's Hostel!

On 26th, Oct., 15:00 pm, Suming and Glory are going to meet our guests at the balcony and bring us their lovely music.

See you all soon in a cozy autumn afternoon.

*update: The event is fully booked! Sorry, we will post video afterward on our facebook page for you to enjoy! https://www.facebook.com/attichostel

